These are the stories
shifting the narrative!
In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, we will be releasing Latasha’s Story. The Lucky Few Foundation presents our first short documentary film.
A story about how this perfect human —a Texan teen— has found a place with her high school’s spirit team as “the Joy Maker.”
Another very special micro-documentary about the father-son relationship between Alex and his dad, Bill.When Bill received his son's Down syndrome diagnosis, he had no idea what the future would like.
Featured Documentaries
Last year, The Lucky Few Foundation decided to tell a bigger, more inclusive Down syndrome story with our global storytelling movement called This is Down Syndrome. So far, we’ve told over 150 stories using photography, and we are releasing our very first series in short documentary format. The first of thousands to come. We understand how important stories are in strengthening our collective humanity, and we are so honored and thrilled to get to tell some of the best stories out there. These stories work to connect the world through compassion that is sowed when we see an individual over a diagnosis.
When welcome and belonging happens for our loved one with Down syndrome in his/her classroom every person connected to that space is changed forever and for the better. River’s story is one of welcome, a story showing just how sweet it is when everyone belongs.

Every Story Will Be Told.
We are sharing stories every week from all walks of life. From babies to grandparents to best friends. Use this search tool to find what you are looking for.
For example: grandpa, motherhood or siblings.
These are the stories shifting the Down syndrome narrative.

Help us tell every story by sharing these stories.
When we work toward a world where everyone belongs, all people, including you and me, are supported and embraced. The Lucky Few Foundation believes storytelling is central to this mission.