Micah Series
March 21, 2021
The Micah Series 1/5
The best moments of my life are on my quad, because it's fun, and I love the speed. It's super fast, and I like to drive and do tricks like my brothers. When I'm on my quad I feel happy and like Im on a adventure. Im good at driving my quad, and I like the wind blowing in my face. I ride my quad 3-5 days a week in my Grandma and Grandpa's field. It's an acre field and I go round and round. The quad I have now is a big quad and friends, family and strangers from all over donated to buy me the quad of my dreams... the green machine. Its a real quad, and I'm a better driver than my big brothers.
The Micah Series 2/5: Nina/Mom
"It was a hot summer day with the AC blasting and I was in the kitchen, mindlessly singing Jingle Bells, again! As soon as I noticed, the dread of doing all those dishes disappeared and a smile spread across my face because I knew that humming "Jingle Bells" in the middle of summer could only mean one thing: Micah was playing his Ukulele. My son showed an interest in music at a very young age, with Phantom of the Opera being his number one love. As he grew up, his interest went from listening to the music, to playing it. Micah’s siblings all played guitar so there was always one or two laying around for him to find. He would strum the strings upwards, backwards, and sideways with his little fingers. When the time came to get him his own guitar he played it until the strings were no long attached.
The Micah Series 3/5: Robert/Dad
When my wife told me she was pregnant with our fourth child, I thought, 'Yes! Another kid to coach in softball, soccer, or baseball. Heck, we were on our way to having our own team!' Then our son Micah was born with Down syndrome and the doctor began to tell us all the ways he would be limited. While I didn’t feel sad about his diagnosis, I did begin to wonder if I’d ever get to coach him after all.
The Micah Series 4/5: Linda/Grandma
My husband and I have purchased motorized power cars for all of our grandsons as youngsters, so we figured, why not get one for Micah. When he was 5, he got the little power wheels SUV. He hopped on and drove like a speed racer, just like his brothers had. When he outgrew it, we decided to up the model. We got Micah a small gas powered quad with a stop button that we controlled remotely.
The Micah Series 5/5: Wayne/Grandpa
There is nothing I love more than cruising in my black pick-up truck with my side-kick, my best friend, my ride or die; my grandson Micah. It’s just me in the driver’s seat and Micah by my side, wind blowing in our hair (well his hair!), having deep conversations about love, hot Cheetos and music. We don’t actually talk about music, we feel it, we groove to it, we become it... together. I am known for breaking out in song, outside, or anywhere, but my truck is the main stage and Micah my co-star. He would hear all the 60's and 70's music in the truck and start to join in with me. We became a two man band. We would belt lyrics to a song and I would stop short of finishing the song lyrics, and point to Micah. He wouldn't miss a beat and complete the song.
We invite YOU to participate by sharing a story about Down syndrome in your life.
A moment, if you will, in which Down syndrome impacted you greatly or maybe simply made you smile. Your story, along with a portrait of you (if you have Down syndrome) or a portrait with your loved one with Down syndrome. It is our hope that these stories will be read by just the right person at just the right time creating the narrative shifting impact this world needs.