The Jack Series
THE JACK SERIES 6/6: Elizabeth, Sister
Jack is sooooo cute! I really really love him! Before I was just a little sister, but now Jack’s here and I’m a BIG sister!
THE JACK SERIES 5/6: Ryan, Brother
I really love Jack. I was a little worried when my parents said he would have Down Syndrome, but now I don’t even think about it. I love my brother.
THE JACK SERIES 4/6: Karinne, Sister
When my parents told me and my brother and sister that Jack would have Down syndrome, I was worried that he would look different and that people would make fun of him.
THE JACK SERIES 3/6: Marc, Dad
The fear and uncertainty of Jack's future weighed heavily on me since we learned he had Down Syndrome. We were already a bit shocked by a surprise fourth child, but now all I could do was think of what challenges he would have that his siblings would not. Basically, his potential differences clouded my mind.
THE JACK SERIES 2/6: Christina, Mom
My husband and I were very reserved in announcing Jack’s diagnosis, mostly because we just didn’t want sympathy. We wanted our friends and family to celebrate Jack with us–and celebrate they did. We were met with nothing but pure joy every time we shared Jack's diagnosis.