The Julius Series

Heather Avis Heather Avis

The Julius Series 3/3: Jordan/Dad

The happiest moment in my life was being home when Julius was born. Also, when we are doing things around the house, he pounds his chest and tells me 'Babe, Julius do it.' He is so eager to learn and is very adamant on completing a task when it is given to him. The happiest/proudest part is he keeps doing whatever it is until he gets it right. Julius never stops trying!

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Heather Avis Heather Avis

The Julius Series 2/3: Ayako/Mom

“I waited 5 years to hear my son say “MOM”, and I was overwhelmed with joy and cried when it happened for the first time. It was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard! I remember the day like yesterday. We were playing and all of the sudden he said “mom.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I froze and looked at my husband then I cried.

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Heather Avis Heather Avis

The Julius Series 1/3: Julius

Age: 11
Hobbies: Playing my farming game and airport game. Playing basketball. "The best moment of my life was being one of the main characters of a short film!"

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