The Joey Series
The Joey Series 5/5: Lily/Sister
When asked what her favorite thing to do with Joey is, Lily always answers “I love helping her.” Lily loves cheering for her sister, nothing makes her light up more than watching her little sister do well and she’s always right by her side during every at
The Joey Series 4/5: Jacob/Brother
My favorite moment I have with Joey is every time I walk into a room and she lights up like I just made her the happiest person on earth. It's when I come home after school and she darts across the floor just to come and dance at my feet. It's
The Joey Series 3/5: Alex/Dad)
Joey is surrounded by love, and love is all she has known since she was born. We have been extremely fortunate so far when it comes to her health, with no major complications to overcome. Aside from various therapies, some extra appointments, and
The Joey Series 2/5: Melissa/Mom)
When you see past the diagnosis”. When we got our diagnosis I’d heard “hope for the best but don’t get your hopes up.” so many times this phrase confused me. Her diagnosis had already made such an impact, how would I see past a part of
The Joey Series 1/5: Joey
Name: Joey Steele
Age: 2
Hobbies: Playing with her brother and sister, learning sign language and listening to music and dancing.