The River Series
A Friend for Life
For the majority of kids in the nation who haven’t started school yet, today is the official start of Back To School. Going back to school can be so complicated for our school aged loved ones with Down syndrome. School systems were created without people with Down syndrome in mind, and as laws have changed to include people with intellectual disabilities within the schools, what that means and how it plays out differs from state to state, county to county, school to school. What doesn’t seem to change is our human need to want to be welcomed as we are and find belonging in a space. When welcome and belonging happens for our loved one with Down syndrome in his/her classroom every person connected to that space is changed forever and for the better. River’s story is one of welcome, a story showing just how sweet it is when everyone belongs.
The River Series 11/11: Rosie/Friend
River is so funny. He will say things like “Come on Honey Bun” and it always make me laugh.
The River Series 10/11: Mila/Friend
River is a really good friend and I had fun celebrating National Down Syndrome Day with him and Ms. Adkins.
The River Series 9/11: Bailey/Teacher
If someone would have told me that my life would be completely changed by a seven-year-old, I would have laughed. Knowing River has shown me purpose and hope like I hadn’t known before.
The River Series 8/11: David/Grandad
When we gazed on him and held this tiny human being in our arms, we wondered what sort of life the future held for him. It would not be any easy or smooth road for him. Would he even be able to have a relationship with us as grandparents? So many questions about him in our heads about how he would fit into the world.
The River Series 7/11: Linda/Grandma
His communication and social skills are amazing now at 7. He connects to people of all ages everywhere! He finds new friends and people to love daily in all places. Would you believe this grandmother worried her precious Downs Syndrome grandson might not be able to make friends?
The River Series 6/11: Billie/Grandma
He had cheered us up and surely we felt his genuine care for us. It makes me smile still when I think about that afternoon with River.
The River Series 5/11: Scout/Sister
River is my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without him. I love him so much. He is always there for me whenever I need him.
The River Series 4/11: Tripp/Brother⠀⠀⠀⠀
When River came into my world on October 3, 2014, I had no idea what to expect. At the time I was only 7-years-old and didn’t fully understand the concept of Down Syndrome. I didn’t really know how I would have to change or adjust once he was born.
The River Series 3/11: Denny/Dad⠀
For years I coached my oldest son in baseball and enjoyed watching him excel to be an MVP on every baseball diamond on which he walked. I assumed this particular baseball season was going to be different. No longer was I coaching my oldest son, a gifted athlete. Now I was coaching River. Could he even do it? Would other kids make fun of him? Will this be a discouragement for him, rather than a fun experience?
The River Series 2/11: Bridget/Mom
The moment we received River’s prenatal diagnosis, I felt shocked and afraid. The unknown scares us. There was definitely a meltdown moment. But soon after, as I prayed and handed it over to God, peace began to replace fear. Actually more than just peace.
The River Series: 1/11: River
Age: 7
Favorite Things: Singing; dancing; wrestling; playing with his sister; ice cream and chips and queso!