The Colin Series
The Colin Series 5/5: John, Brother
At first he needed a little push but he was peldding on his own. I was very proud of him because I didn't think he could do it. I took him down to Clover Lane which is a dead end street.
The Colin Series 4/5: Liam, Brother
Once he started to get the hang of it he was so excited. Every time he launched it the excitement on his face made me smile.
The Colin Series 3/5: Brian, Dad
From that moment on, Colin has continuously shown a desire for more independence. I can name countless examples, especially with the things we are always reminding his older brothers to do, Colin is doing without being told. A bright future is waiting for him and I am quite sure he will conquer any challenges he may face.
The Colin Series 2/5: Kelly, Mom
Colin can turn any bad day into a good one. He makes life so much better. Colin is pure love and joy. He is adored by so many people and lights up every room he enters.