The Macclaren Series 4/4: Mackaella, Sister
If I was going out with friends, she was coming. Needed a buddy to go on a Dunkin’ run? Macclaren, get your shoes on! God only gave me one little sister and I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to make her my built-in best friend. Growing up, my parents always made sure my sisters and I had all that we needed, but the best gift they ever gave me was my sisters. We all knew that it might take Macclaren a bit longer to do things, but there was never a doubt in any of our minds that she would get there in the end.
The Macclaren Series 3/4: Bruce, Dad
They all got 'gowned up' in hospital scrubs and saw her for the first time. There was no looking back. Mackenzie, Macintyre and Mackaella (take note: all 'Mac' names with nine letters) all took it upon themselves to take care and help her. Over the years Macclaren became the focal point of our lives and continues to be. Even though her sisters are now out on their own, they still adore, mentor and spoil her with visits, Face Time, texts and emails, and continue to be a major part of her life.
The Macclaren Series 2/4: Michelle, Mom
Ever since Macclaren was born Bruce and I always treated her the same as her three older sisters. It didn’t take me long to realize that her having Down syndrome shouldn’t make a difference in how she was being raised. Macclaren takes longer to do things, but that’s fine. Having expectations for your children is something that every parent needs to have.
The Macclaren Series 1/4: Macclaren
Name: Macclaren
Age: 19
Hobbies: drawing, riding my bike, bowling, shooting hoops, hanging out with my family and friends