The Sydney Series
The Sydney Series 4/4: Ryleigh, Sister
Watching Sydney and Ryleigh grow together has been the greatest joy of our lives. We love knowing that they will never remember life before each other. They are 17 months apart and we have watched the two of them grow closer and closer as sisters. They are a unit, a dynamic duo, a force to be reckoned with. It really is something special to watch.
The Sydney Series 3/4: James, Dad
She was wearing a little hat that the nurses put on and was so calm and content in my arms. She was wide awake and so alert as I talked to her. While looking into her beautiful eyes, Sydney just smiled. Her smile spoke a million words. I felt as though Sydney was saying, “I’m okay Daddy, don’t worry about me.”
The Sydney Series 2/4: Briana, Mom
There’s just something about her. People are drawn, whether they have met her or not. She’s magnetic & just has this special way about her. Her smile lights up a room and she has a very good sense of humor for a 2 year old. Sometimes it’s hard to put my finger in exactly what it is, but there is something about Sydney. Of course, as her mother it’s easy to say this, but I hear it from other people too, almost daily.
The Sydney Series 1/4: Sydney
Name: Sydney
Age: 2
Hobbies: Reading books, Playing with her sister, eating cheese, playing on the playground, climbing on everything and bubbles.