The Milo Series
6/6: Elenora/Little Sister
Milo is the consummate big brother. While sharing can still be a pretty difficult skill for him to handle, when it comes to his younger sister, Milo willingly gives in to her (many) whims…
The Milo Series 5/6: Simon/Big Brother
My favorite things about Milo are everything. Milo makes me laugh because he’s funny and playful. Milo likes The Wiggles and Spider-man. He likes (pretending he’s) speaking Spanish and playing music a lot.
The Milo Series 4/6: Carmel-Grace/Big Sister
When Milo was born, Mama and Papa made us move around and stay with different relatives. I was four years old and a little worried.. I thought, 'What was happening there?…
The Milo Series 3/6: Bobby/Dad
Milo has a huge range of emotions. I’ve never been good at showing mine or empathizing with others. Milo is constantly teaching me something new… showing me something new….
The Milo Series 2/6: Jo/Mom
In my pregnancy with Milo, I grappled with the expectation of raising a child with special needs. I thought back to my experiences with people with DS. All encounters had been generally positive, albeit superficial, but I just couldn’t imagine a baby or young child with Down syndrome, and like much of the world, my thoughts kept returning to the negative.
The Milo Series 1/6
Name: Milo
Age: 5
Hobbies: Listening to music, Dancing, Drumming on anything I can find, & Playing with my siblings