The Lilli Series
THE LILLI SERIES 5/5: Campbell, Brother
I like when she gives me things and helps me clean up. I like to watch tv with Lilli and wrestle with her and we play chase together. She’s the best because she lets me sleep in her bed with her.
THE LILLI SERIES 4/5: Tessa, Sister
I like going to school with Lilli. When she visits me in my classroom I get to tell people about her and what Down syndrome is. Everybody at school knows her and likes her.
THE LILLI SERIES 3/5: Jeremy, Dad
We were really scared when we learned Lilli would be born with Down syndrome. We had no idea what we were in for. It wasn’t long after she was born when her personality started to surface, adventurous and funny right out of the gate.
THE LILLI SERIES 2/5: Ashley, Mom
If I could sum up Lilli in one sentence it would be “Lilli’s going to do what Lilli wants to do when Lilli wants to do it.” She’s headstrong and stubborn, determined but contemplative, self-aware and independent, a jokester with a huge heart, and has hilariously calculated one-liners.