The Joel Series
The Joel Series 5/5: Allan, Cousin
I always love seeing him at the church. I remember a while back when his sisters were telling me that he would get excited to see me play the drumset at the church. That he would be able to tell from far away that it was me, and he would yell my name out to tell me hi! He played a BIG role in why I still play the drums at my church.
The Joel Series 4/5: Raquel, Sister
A few years ago, I got a frantic call from my mom one day while I was working at our local Baskin Robbins. She was crying and I could barely understand her. She finally gets it out, she couldn’t find Joel. She searched the whole house, backyard, and front yard. Nothing!
The Joel Series 3/5: Maryury, Sister
When we were younger we went on short road trips a lot with our parents. Joel loves long drives and getting snacks at gas stations or rest areas. Joel also loves carrying his wallet everywhere, he does not leave the house without his “dinero”. At one gas station stop Joel went to the restroom with my parents. My dad came back to the car believing that Joel was with my mom and my mom returned shortly after believing that Joel was with my dad.
The Joel Series 2/5: Rosa, Mom
Joel was so happy to participate and finish the race. He was able to assert his independence regardless of the outcome, but that’s the dignity of risk.
Name: Joel Castaneda
Age: 22
Favorite Things: Doctor Who, Marvel, Playing with niece, coloring, and playing UNO