The River Series 7/11: Linda/Grandma

River is a boy with a heart bigger than Texas! In fact, it could be said to be bigger than the world. Yes, he has an innate ability to befriend everyone, no matter who they may be.
He began making connections with people long before he could actually even speak to them. I remember when he was still sitting in a high chair in restaurants that he would make eye contact with the servers, giving a gibberish greeting, smiling or giggling every time they passed our table to get their attention. They would always stop to talk to him, and he would have an unintelligible conversation with them.
As he grew and graduated to a booster chair, his social tactics changed. He often left his seat to strike up a conversation with others at tables in the restaurant. On more than one occasion, this resulted in conversations with strangers not only for him, but also for us. He reminded me that there are still many kind people in this world.
When he was a little older, we took him and his sister, Scout, to a farmers market. A group of older men were laughing, talking and telling stories. We watched River walk right up to them and tell them his name. Then he began to tell them a story. What story that might have been, I am not sure. His language skills were still limited, but he knew he wanted to be a part of this group of people. The men laughed and visited with him for some time.
His communication and social skills are amazing now at 7. He connects to people of all ages everywhere! He finds new friends and people to love daily in all places. Would you believe this grandmother worried her precious Downs Syndrome grandson might not be able to make friends?
#TheLuckyFew #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome#ThisisDownSyndrome


The River Series 8/11: David/Grandad


The River Series 6/11: Billie/Grandma