The River Series 9/11: Bailey/Teacher

If someone would have told me that my life would be completely changed by a seven-year-old, I would have laughed. Knowing River has shown me purpose and hope like I hadn’t known before. One particular day at school, I sat in my usual recess duty spot. It was not my best day. I was discouraged and wondering about God's plan for me. The kids played, and I watched. Then River came over, sat down and put his hand on my knee. “I love you, Miss Adkins. You are my favorite.” He had no idea how much I needed to be someone’s favorite that day. It was in that moment that God’s plan became a little more clear. His plan was for me to teach and be a part of River’s life. I get to be a part of his story, and he is a part of mine! What a gift. I really am a part of the lucky few.
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The River Series 10/11: Mila/Friend


The River Series 8/11: David/Grandad