The River Series 8/11: David/Grandad

A new grandson was being given to us! My wife and I were so excited but also very nervous. We already had been blessed with two wonderful grandchildren, so we mostly knew the hospital routine and early months of babyhood. Yet, even with this practice and experience, we knew this little one would be different. Our precious River had Down Syndrome. When we gazed on him and held this tiny human being in our arms, we wondered what sort of life the future held for him. It would not be any easy or smooth road for him. Would he even be able to have a relationship with us as grandparents? So many questions about him in our heads about how he would fit into the world.
A short time after River’s birth, I attended a conference with many school superintendents. While there, a former colleague whom I had not spoken with for some time, approached me. He reached out and shook my hand and patted me on the shoulder and said, “I hear you have been greatly blessed!” With a puzzled look, I listened as the man explained his grandson had Down Syndrome, too. He told me our entire family would love this child dearly, but the love and happiness he would bring to us would be more than we could ever give back! Turns out, it was totally true! River loves with all his heart without condition.
He sees no flaws, just people he loves! He is open and accepting of all. For River everyone is someone to be loved or, at the very least, a potential friend. Yes, we truly have been blessed with River!
#TheLuckyFew #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome#ThisisDownSyndrome


The River Series 9/11: Bailey/Teacher


The River Series 7/11: Linda/Grandma