The Sydney Series 2/4: Briana, Mom

(THE SYDNEY SERIES 2/4: Briana, Mom)

I asked my dad one time if he thought people felt bad for us because Sydney has Down syndrome. I will never forget his response. He said, “no” shaking his head, paused and said, “I don’t think so. I think people are just rooting for her.”

I had asked because I kept hearing things like “I’m obsessed with Sydney!” “I watch her videos over and over again!” “I love her so much!” “She makes me SO happy!” And my favorite one: “my husband came up to me at a party and asked if I had seen the new video of Sydney that you posted.” I had heard and still continue to hear things like this from so many people.

There’s just something about her. People are drawn, whether they have met her or not. She’s magnetic & just has this special way about her. Her smile lights up a room and she has a very good sense of humor for a 2 year old. Sometimes it’s hard to put my finger in exactly what it is, but there is something about Sydney. Of course, as her mother it’s easy to say this, but I hear it from other people too, almost daily.

She has been through a lot in her two short years, but she has touched so many people in different ways.

Sydney was born on March 14, 2020. The day before the country shut down. It was a scary time for everyone, but Sydney had the ability to give so many people hope. Her pictures made them smile, her videos made them laugh. We felt so lucky during the pandemic that we were home with her every single day. She was our silver lining during a very uncertain time. I like that. People are rooting for her. They want her to do well - we all do. Sydney is going to do something special and we can’t wait to see what it is.

#TheLuckyFew #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome #ThisIsDownSyndrome


The Sydney Series 3/4: James, Dad


The Sydney Series 1/4: Sydney