The Sydney Series 3/4: James, Dad

(THE SYDNEY SERIES 3/4: James, Dad)

My wife was induced at 37 weeks because of IUGR - basically Sydney wasn’t growing as quickly as doctors wanted her to. It was just one of many things that made us nervous about Sydney’s health. It seemed as though, at every appointment, the doctors were telling us of more possible health problems that Sydney could experience. First it was her diagnosis, then a cardiac issue, then IUGR. It never ended.

On March 12th, we were sent to the hospital for my wife to be induced as a result of Sydney’s IUGR. We sat in our hospital room watching TV as the pandemic started to ramp up. We watched as businesses and schools began to close while awaiting our first baby. Just another thing to add to our fears at the time.

I spent countless hours with my wife as she labored and eventually gave birth to Sydney on Saturday morning, March 14, 2020. Seeing my beautiful baby being born was the most amazing experience. My wife held Sydney immediately which was what she wanted more than anything. She was worried Sydney was going to be taken immediately to the NICU after listening to the doctors for the last nine months. But Sydney had other plans and was in really good health. My wife handed her over to me and I was finally able to hold my baby girl. The baby girl we had been so worried about for so long was finally here and she was perfect. She was so beautiful.

She was wearing a little hat that the nurses put on and was so calm and content in my arms. She was wide awake and so alert as I talked to her. While looking into her beautiful eyes, Sydney just smiled. Her smile spoke a million words. I felt as though Sydney was saying, “I’m okay Daddy, don’t worry about me.” It was at that moment we knew everything was going to be okay.

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The Sydney Series 4/4: Ryleigh, Sister


The Sydney Series 2/4: Briana, Mom