The Lucy Series 6/6: Valerie/Friend
(THE LUCY SERIES 6/6: Valerie/Friend)
"One of my first and favorite memories of Lucy was when she was 4 years old. We were walking down a busy street to get donuts with four adults and three small children in our group. Lisa (Lucy's mom) and I were trying to keep everyone together and Lu kept stopping, in awe of everything she passed. At one point we started to cross the street and I looked back and saw that Lucy had stopped in the middle of the flow of traffic to practice her somersaults.
That is a perfect representation of Lu to me. She sees the magic in the seemingly ordinary. She’s playful, present, and determined to do what she wants whenever she wants. While these traits might make a walk to the donut shop a little trickier, it is so inspiring to witness and I hope she stays this way forever."
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