The Lucy Series 5/6: Stephano/Friend

(THE LUCY SERIES 5/6: Stephano/Friend)

"During the 2020 Lockdown year, my partner and I had the opportunity to POD up with the beloved Gungor family. We got to stay in their backhouse during that time and on one sunny summer morning Lucy knocked on the door and said “Hi fano! *smiling without her teeth from ear to ear* Where’s em?" she’d ask. She’s in bed, I’d respond. Oh fffun! She would add joyfully, and would come right in and climb in bed to get cuddles from Em. As time passed this became a routine for us and every moment was different.

One day she’d sneakily smuggle an iPad in and give us cuddles just to get the passcode for it & others just to use the potty for a bit. Every morning with Lu that summer reminded me of the importance of routine and sticking to it just because you can. And although we’re not in the backhouse of our beloved Gungor’s anymore, Lu still greets me the same with the warmest, “hi fano, where’s em?”… and it reminds of all those mornings that summer."

#ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFewFoundation #TheLuckyFew


The Lucy Series 6/6: Valerie/Friend


The Lucy Series 4/6: Emily/Friend