(The Chris Series 8/12: Dan/Brother)
(The Chris Series 8/12: Dan/Brother)
"What would Chris Do?
As the oldest of five, I’ve been blessed with three amazing sisters and a little brother. A couple years after Chris was born, I was playing in the Pony League World Series. So you can see that Chris and I are separated by many years, but that never mattered. I knew that Chris and I would have a bond. Whether it be teasing our sisters or playing some kind of sport together. Of course it was not easy for me, as I didn’t understand what capabilities he would have. Would he be able to ride a bike, play catch, or cruise to the beach with me? To this day, he has been able to do all those things and more. Not only did I get to ride bikes, play catch, and hang at the beach with him and my children. I often find myself thinking ‘What would Chris do?’ How can I treat someone as Chris treats all people? I find that Chris reminds me to be kind, patient and loving to all those that I interact with. I find that I should not judge others. These are all things that Chris would do. I am the blessed older brother that has learned many lessons from his amazing little brother."
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