The Trista Series

Heather Avis Heather Avis

The Trista Series 4/7: Samantha, Sister

She’s always looked out for me, her baby sister. When I was growing up, she made my lunches, cheered the loudest for me at all my volleyball games and made sure I was the best I could be.

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Heather Avis Heather Avis

The Trista Series 3/7: Suzanna, Sister

Growing up with a sister like Trista was not always easy (read above). As the middle child – (Trista is 3 years older) I already struggled with inferiority complexes and lack of attention, then add-on having Trista as that older sibling and I was a full on case of teenage angst. But even in my time of turmoil - Trista still showed up and cheered at every one of my basketball games, dance recitals and theater showcases – always giving the perfect words of consolation or celebration – just like any “typical” older sibling would do.

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