The Silas Series 3/5: Jared/Dad
(THE SILAS SERIES 3/5: Jared/Dad)
Thirty minutes after his birth, the doctor walked in and gently explained that there were features of Down syndrome present. While watching my wife react calmly with solid understanding, ready for what she was hearing, my vision was fading into a tunnel. All I could see was the next 30 years of my baseline of a life unfold with a million uncertainties. I was terrified and unsure of my ability to even begin to be as strong as I knew I needed to be for my family.
Over the next few weeks my fears subside my understanding and knowledge about Down syndrome grew and with that my excitement. Our amazing support group grew as well. From the first few weeks in the NICU to where we are today, we’ve been met with nothing but positivity and support. From medical staff to distant family, this kid has brought more love together than I could have ever imagined possible.
When Silas started smiling, I loved how he smiled with all of himself, his entire body, not just his smile alone. I like to think that that’s the way he’s going to live his life, with everything he has. Every day he teaches me a little more about how to do the same. How to slow down, throw out baselines, and live each moment with everything. To take the scenic route.
#TheLuckyFew #TheLuckyFewFoundation #ThisIsDownSyndrome