The Sabine Series 7/7: Ms. Rigby/Teacher

(THE SABINE SERIES 7/7: Ms. Rigby/Teacher)

I have known Sabine through her academic high school career. She works hard to make the grades and never settles for anything less. I knew her outside of school as well…..her love for gymnastics, her dream of working in her own cafe, and her obsession with BTS. Or so I thought. This year, I decided to sponsor a KPOP club in my classroom on Friday’s at lunch! OMG. The BEST decision ever!! Sabine and her friends come to life every Friday! BIGGER THAN LIFE! They know every lyric to every song. They dance so synchronized you would think they spend hours outside of school together learning the moves. The smiles and the laughter on their faces. Fridays are now my favorite day of the week!

#ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFew #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome


The Sabine Series 6/7: Rashid/Friend