The Sabine Series

The Joy Maker

The Lucky Few Foundation is so honored to share with you Sabine’s story. A story about how this perfect human —a Texan teen— has found a place with her high school’s spirit team as “the Joy Maker.”

Heather Avis Heather Avis

The Sabine Series 3/7: John/Dad

One of the things I have learned to embrace because of who my daughter is, is simply to slow down a second and look around at where you are. I often have so many dots on my calendar that I should just assume that if I am awake there is somewhere else I am supposed to be. Sabine has, through who she is not any condition she may have, allowed me time to understand this philosophy in my own time

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Heather Avis Heather Avis

The Sabine Series 2/7: Rachel/Mom

Stranger: (with hand on area that Sabine touched) “It’s totally ok! I REALLY needed that…”

This kept happening. At first, I thought Sabine was just touching everyone, but it turns out, she was being super selective! It’s like she knew; like she had this sense of who needed an extra loving touch.

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