The Ronnie Series 5/12: Brian/Teacher

(THE RONNIE SERIES 5/12: Brian/Teacher)

"I love me some Ronnie Brown! Watching his evolution over the last ten years has been amazing. People like Ronnie are the reason I teach. He taught me that no matter how tough a situation can be, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and amazing things are possible.

One memory that stands out for me is the first time I saw him interacting with some of his peers during reward time. When we first worked with Ronnie in 6th grade, there were some obstacles when it came to socializing with peers. I hated to see this because in the end all kids want to play and have friends. Slowly but surely, we started seeing progress with the help of some great teachers, his family, and of course, Ronnie. One of his favorite things to work for at the time was playing on the tablet.

One day, he had earned some screen time and instead of playing by himself he walked over to some classmates and asked if they wanted to play with him. It seems like a small thing, but we were overjoyed as this was the first time! We may have let them play for a little more time than they earned because interactions like that are so important. It makes me so happy to see that Ronnie has gone from socializing being a struggle to being crowned Homecoming King and the toast of the school."

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The Ronnie Series 6/12: Manda/Educational Associate


The Ronnie Series 4/12: Daniel/Principal