The Ronnie Series 12/12: Amber/Friend

(THE RONNIE SERIES 12/12: Amber/Friend)

“Change the world by being yourself.” Ronnie brought this quote to life for me. I am a music artist and have been since I was in the 6th grade. I’ve had so many moments of doubt and fear about sharing my music with the world and then, I met Ronnie. I played one of my songs for Ronnie and he said “Amber. That’s you in the speaker? You did good on that song play it again Amber." Since that moment 10 years ago he’s come to the studio with me and memorized my lyrics better than I have.

Ronnie made me aware of the impact I am making on the world by just being me as much as he is just being him. Ronnie has always been my number one fan and pushes me daily to continue making music. Every day he asks “ Amber you work on music today?” My reply is always yes because in his eyes I’m already a superstar and there is nothing better than that. I'm thankful to have Ronnie in my life. He is a huge inspiration to me and everyone around him.

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The Ronnie Series 11/12: Rashida/Sister