The Ronnie Series 11/12: Rashida/Sister

(THE RONNIE SERIES 11/12: Rashida/Sister)

"In September of 2021 I had the honor of accompanying Ronnie to New York as he prepared to walk in a runway show for Fashion Week. I will never forget the laser focus that he had in the days leading up to the show. He turned down French fries from his favorite food spot and listened intently to all instructions that he was given. He didn’t ask me, his big sister for reassurance nor guidance but believed that he knew exactly what he was doing. About an hour before the show began I noticed that Ronnie had a look of preoccupation on his face and I figured he was a bit nervous and said 'Ronnie, want to play thumb war?' He looked back at me with the brightest smile and said 'Rashidah, I’m working.' Lol!

As Ronnie’s older sister I feel that it is my duty to show him the ropes in life and give him a hard time. In true big sister fashion, I pull pranks that give us both laughs from deep within our gut. I also have assumed the role of teaching him how to play timeless games such as Uno, Thumb War and Red Hot (seriously, his Thumb War skills are next level). I take pride in the fact that he asks me to wash and braid his hair on a weekly basis because he’s interested in looking his best when he goes out into the world. However, I do call him out on his fashion faux pas because hey, he’s my little brother but, I am always in deep adoration when I see him stand in the power of his choices and I am able to witness his thoughtfulness."

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The Ronnie Series 12/12: Amber/Friend


The Ronnie Series 10/12: LaTasha/Sister