The Poole Series

Heather Avis Heather Avis

Joel Poole

Name: Joel Poole

Age: 7

Hobbies: swimming, playing with the dogs, wearing costumes.

What is the most important thing you do everyday? Eat french fries.

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Heather Avis Heather Avis

JT Poole

Name: J.T. Poole

Age: 16

Hobbies: Music, baseball, swimming, camping, travel, other people’s electronics, cards

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Heather Avis Heather Avis

Justin Poole

Name: Justin Poole

Age: 18

Hobbies: basketball, swimming, reading magazines and doing my “work.”

What is your favorite thing about yourself? The ladies like me.

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Heather Avis Heather Avis

Jessica Poole

Name: Jessica Poole

Age: 25

Hobbies: watching TV, coloring, swimming, doing my nails, playing with our dogs.

What is the best moment of your life? When I was voted prom queen

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