Josephine “Josie” Poole

Name: Josephine “Josie” Poole

Age: 16

Hobbies: rocking out to music, teasing my little brother

#TheLuckyFew #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome #ThisIsDownSyndrome

(THE POOLE FAMILY SERIES, JOSIE: Richard & Mary, Parents)

Josephine came to us within a month of Jessica coming to live with us.  We got a call from Texas Social Services as we were returning from Indiana after taking custody of Justin. This means that we went from a family of 3 to a family of 6 within 4 months.  While visiting Josie in Texas I knew she would be a challenge, but I also knew we just had to get her out of the situation she was in or the consequences for her would be dire. Josie was blessed with a very dedicated CASA advocate, and she kept Josie on the radar.

We took custody of a beautiful 8-year-old who was using a wheelchair but could walk; who had a g-tube but could eat and drink by mouth; was on nighttime oxygen; was taking over 13 medications and a holy host of other diagnoses including COPD! So, her first six months were chock full of medical appointments. When it was all over the wheelchair was gone, the walker was gone, the g-tube was gone, she did not have any lung issues and many of her medications were discontinued. This is not to say that Josephine does not have issues, she does, but they are not physical, they are trauma-based from the abuse and neglect in her young childhood.

Although we do have some issues, Josephine has come a long way. She is a beautiful 16 year old who is a big fan of amusement rides and loves when we go to Carowinds or Orlando – the faster the better! You can hear her giggling as she holds on tight. She loves baths and walking in our pool. At the beach her favorite thing to do is to sit down in the shallow water and get hit over and over and over again by the waves. 

She also has begun wanting to sit outside on the porch rocking to the beat of Alexia along with her brother JT. She loves school and can get on and off the bus independently. This year she has had a very talented teacher and has made good academic progress, she even went to the 8th grade dance. I think she had a good time.

We pray that continued love and support will help Josie move away from the trauma in her past and she will flourish as she builds a brighter future for herself.


Joel Poole


JT Poole