The Carly Series 2/4: Lynze, Mom

(THE CARLY SERIES 2/4: Lynze, Mom)

Before Carly was born I didn’t truly understand what hypotonia or low muscle tone was. I had heard of low muscle tone but never personally experienced it.

I remember after Carly was born, sitting in the rocking chair in the NICU holding her sweet little hand. When she didn’t wrap her fresh, perfect, little baby fingers around mine, and squeeze like most babies, I then understood what hypotonia was.

Carly has had to learn to do everything. How to breathe, suck from a bottle and swallow. The first time she squeezed my hand, the waterworks started. I was so proud of her for all of that hard work! Who knew a hand squeeze would mean so much! I look at her now and she is growing, learning something new everyday and thriving! Carly is now learning to walk with a walker!

Watching how hard she has to work for simple things pushes me to do more and never give up. I have learned to not limit her and push her to do more. She’s the strongest little warrior I know! Never underestimate what someone with Down syndrome can do!

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The Carly Series 3/4: Matt, Dad


The Carly Series 1/4: Carly