The Brianna Series 5/12: Melissa/Sister

(THE BRIANNA SERIES 5/12: Melissa/Sister)

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “Wow! They are going to make a difference in this world.”

Every time I look at Brianna this is how I feel. Sure, she is just two and she was born with Down syndrome, but the most important thing about her is that God created her. He loved her so much that He gave her this special gift to share with others. Not only to our family but to anyone that she encounters.

Brianna had just been born when I first realized this. I was so anxious to see her. In fact, the plan was that I was going to witness her birth, but God had other plans. She was born at the end of my 7th period in high school. I really wanted to see her. To see how God created her fingers and toes and smile. My mom sent pictures and it still wasn’t enough. I wanted to see her in person. The moment I first saw her in person, tears rolled down my cheeks.. I have never seen a baby so peaceful and so filled with grace. She had no idea how worried and how everyone was praying for her during her birth.

One look and I knew that God has created someone special in my midst. That God has something beautiful and great for Brianna that only He knows. I truly can’t wait to see the things that God has in store for Brianna. That she truly is a child of Christ and is truly going to make a difference in this world.

#TheLuckyFew #ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome


The Brianna Series 6/12: Monique/Sister


The Brianna Series 4/12: Ivana/Sister