The Amina Series 5/6: Michele, Grandmother

(THE AMINA SERIES 5/6: Michele, Grandmother)

I started babysitting for Amina in September 2021. My sweet little girl was just turning two years old. I was 67, but feel younger than my age, but I'm still up there! What would it be like spending two 8 hr days together. I wanted it to be more than just play, but also educational. Would I be able to keep up with this toddler who was still crawling, and needed to be carried? Could I communicate effectively with her? Could I learn the sign language she knew? Turns out Amina taught ME so much about herself. She was so much more than my happy beautiful granddaughter with Down syndrome. She was Amina Marie, with her own unique personality. She loved to laugh at my funny faces, dance with me to Baby Shark, wrap her legs around me when she was afraid, and wanted to stay close. She was not always happy, though most often was, and would let me know when "no" meant NO. She taught me how precious life is, the little things we take for granted, especially the gift of love and life.

Amina and I developed a special bond, and she was always happy to see me when mommy or daddy dropped her off in the morning. Oftentimes she didn't want to leave, and would put her arms out and lean into me when she was being picked up at the end of the day. My grandchildren call me Mimi, so when Amina first said the word "Mimi", I wasn't sure I heard her right. Did she call me Mimi? Her vocabulary was just a few words, but then she said it again, "Mimi!" She brought tears to my eyes! Not only was I filled with joy, but proud of this little girl learning to talk.

I am part of the lucky few that I hope more people will get to be. She has impacted my life more than I ever imagined. I just pray to see Amina grow, and all she will accomplish in her life. I don't want to miss any of it!

#TheLuckyFew #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome #ThisIsDownSyndrome


The Amina Series 6/6: Wanda, Grandmother


The Amina Series 4/6: Julian, Brother