(The Alden Series 5/5: Penelope/Younger Sister)
(The Alden Series 5/5: Penelope/Younger Sister)
"The sun was shining and the weather was perfect for jumping on the trampoline. I had been jumping for a few minutes when Alden came out and picked up our hula hoop. He’s never kept the hula hoop on his hip for very long, but it is always fun watching him try and try. I was prepared to encourage and congratulate his efforts. He started the hula hoop and after two spins he was making his silly frustrated face. I smiled and said 'good job' and he picked it up again and started moving his hips and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7...he was doing it! The smile and excitement on his face was awesome! He called 'Dad..Devon..Mom come here..' I told everyone to watch him and he proudly picked up his hula hoop and started doing it again. Everyone cheered and high fives were shared all around. I was very happy for him, and I loved to see him proud of himself. "
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