(The Alden Series 4/5: Devon/Older Sister)
(The Alden Series 3/5: Devon/Older Sister)
" Alden is growing up fast. He is strong, and he knows it. He is growing armpit hair, and he knows it. I admire his confidence and pride in himself and his body and there are times he reminds me that I’m pretty cool too. If I wear a tank top after not shaving in a while and have some pretty noticeable body hair, he is sure to point it out. The way he does it doesn’t make me feel bad or self-conscious about myself. He doesn’t make me feel like I need to change anything. He points right at my armpit hair and gets the biggest and most contagious grin I have ever seen. He proceeds to lift his own arm and looks to compare his and mine. He signs that we are the same and laughs, not at us, but because he is so happy. He gives the rock-on hand gesture, raising his index and pinky fingers, and air guitars in celebration. I love that he loves himself and me just the way we are. I think the world would be a much better place if we all realized what he has; we are awesome."
#ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFew