Micah Series
March 21, 2021
The Micah Series 4/5: Linda/Grandma
My husband and I have purchased motorized power cars for all of our grandsons as youngsters, so we figured, why not get one for Micah. When he was 5, he got the little power wheels SUV. He hopped on and drove like a speed racer, just like his brothers had. When he outgrew it, we decided to up the model. We got Micah a small gas powered quad with a stop button that we controlled remotely.
We invite YOU to participate by sharing a story about Down syndrome in your life.
A moment, if you will, in which Down syndrome impacted you greatly or maybe simply made you smile. Your story, along with a portrait of you (if you have Down syndrome) or a portrait with your loved one with Down syndrome. It is our hope that these stories will be read by just the right person at just the right time creating the narrative shifting impact this world needs.