The Nathan Series 4/4: Joanne/Sister


(The Nathan Series 4/4: Joanne/Sister)

"When I was around five-years-old my family decided to travel to New York for a small vacation. I remember a couple days before we left, my parents took my brother and I to visit Time Square and I just remember it being really crowded but there was an especially large crowd waiting in front of a jumbo screen and we joined them. I had no clue what we were doing but we waited for what seemed like a really long time. Eventually, pictures started showing up on this big screen. A couple minutes after these pictures started showing up, I realized they were pictures of individuals with Down syndrome. I saw kids, young adults, and towards the end, I saw my own brother. My brother was on this big screen in front of what seemed like hundreds of people who were taking pictures and I thought “WOW! MY BROTHER’S FAMOUS!” I was surprised but I remember being especially proud to be his sister at that moment. Not just because his picture was being displayed in front of many people, but because I finally understood how hard he was working. Though I lived with him everyday, I never truly understood the obstacles he had to overcome but now I know, and I am so very proud to be by him and watch him as he reaches his goals. Whenever I see him in a joyful moment he reminds me to live life to the fullest, to take in every little moment that I can. Nathan is the best and most hardworking brother I could’ve ever asked for, I am so incredibly proud of him, and I’m very excited to watch him as he continues to thrive in this world."

#ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFew


The Nathan Series 3/4: Sandra/Mom