The Marisol Series 9/11: Karina/Cousin/Respite Provider
(The Marisol Series 9/11: Karina/Cousin/Respite Provider)
"When Marisol began communicating with us using sign language and making sounds, I tried my best to be able to communicate with her. She started with signing more, eat, and up. She is also really good at saying 'no.' I started teaching her to say thank you. First by saying it and helping her sign it. Then she was able to sign “thank you” when I would ask her. We hit a rough spot in progress and she needed signals to sign her words. One day Marisol asked me for some juice and signed 'thank you' with no prompting or asking. My heart swelled, I was so proud of her. Marisol has continued to sign more words, she is so amazing. She gets frustrated sometimes when we don't understand, but I just try to work harder to understand her and to help her communicate better. I want to know her thoughts and dreams. Marisol has so much potential and I am excited to see the woman she will become. "
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