The Lucy Series 2/6: Lisa/Mom
(THE LUCY SERIES 2/6: Lisa/Mom)
"The words felt like a distant voice playing over and over, like a needle on a record player getting stuck and repeating the phrase.. 'She has signs consistent with Down Syndrome' again and again. I remember her 5 pound body being so blue and limp, and I remember trying to wrap my mind around it all. I thought about the future and school and mean kids and surgeries and all the 'what ifs.'
And then, they put her back into my arms, her big blue eyes looked into mine, and... all of the fear was gone. I felt a world I had never experienced before - a different kind of consciousness, a world of wonder and knowing brewing in those big blue eyes. Her essence spoke clearly.. 'hey, I’m good, and I have some things to show you.' Fast forward 7 years later and it’s those same blue eyes that woke me up this morning with that sly look that means 'I’m just here for your phone.' It’s those eyes that were sad when her sister fell. It’s those eyes that brought me to the present moment today when I was wrapped up in my very serious adult stuff. I was stuck today, ruminating on yet another thing that had nothing to do with the present moment. And yet again, her eyes looked into mine and in an instant all of my 'what ifs' fell away."
#ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFewFoundation #TheLuckyFew