The Craig Series 6/6: Caroline, Friend/Co-Volunteer
When I, a 20-year-old college student, share my friendship with Craig, I often get some confused reactions. I then explain that there is more to Craig than what meets the eye. When I first met Craig, I was very new to the Down syndrome community. I had just started to volunteer at GiGi’s Playhouse and was overwhelmed by all of the new people I was meeting. Craig told me that he was glad I was there, and greeted me with a warm hug. As he shared more about his life story, I was amazed. From that day on, Craig has been a close friend. His resilience, loyalty, tenacity, and zest for life motivate me to be my best self. Craig encourages me to be a better person through every interaction we have, and I am truly honored to call him a friend.
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