The Brianna Series 11/12: Maria/Grandma

(THE BRIANNA SERIES 11/12: Maria/Grandma)

When my daughter told me about her pregnancy diagnosis, I did not know what to expect. When she was born, the doctor told us that she would need heart surgery. This was troubling news to us and we did not know what to think. We knew she was strong but we were still worried. The day of her surgery, I remember waiting in the waiting room. We were all concerned and hoped for the best. I felt useless but all I could do was wait and pray for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. When we received the news that she woke up, it was a great relief. I knew that she was strong and she would recover successfully. Seeing her in pain was heartbreaking, but watching her recovery was astonishing. She is now stronger than ever. She is happy and loved by her family.

I always think about her future. I hope for the best for her. I hope she has an amazing future ahead of her. I know she will go far because she is intelligent. She has a family who loves and supports her. Before she was born, I did not know much about Down syndrome. Now, I have learned that she can be successful in life. I know that she is very smart and will find a job one day just like any other person. Her diagnosis of Down syndrome will not stop her from being successful in life. And she will always be loved.

#TheLuckyFew #ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFewFoundation #DownSyndrome


The Brianna Series 12/12: Melissa/Teacher


The Brianna Series 10/12: Viviana/Sister