The Cheyenne Series 3/4: Michael/Dad
(THE CHEYENNE SERIES 3/4: Michael/Dad)
"WAIT! Cheyenne yells as she holds her hand up to stop me. Cheyenne just learned this phrase and what it means at daycare. I stood there in awe as I saw my little girl give me an order and respectfully told me to wait. I chuckled to myself and thought, 'Wow, I am such a lucky dad.'
When Cheyenne was born, I did not know much about Down syndrome and what life would be like having a child with it. I have always remained positive that wherever life took us, that Cheyenne will live a happy and fulfilled life and any struggles she may have we would work through it. But in this moment, I reflected on how grown and smart my daughter is and how each phrase, new word, new skills Cheyenne picks up on is a milestone worth celebrating.
As I watch Cheyenne on the floor playing with her toys, placing each color toy in the perspective color cups, my mind is at ease knowing she is growing beautifully and any negative misconception about her abilities that may have once been, are completely false. My little girl is amazing and will continue to be amazing."
#ThisIsDownSyndrome #TheLuckyFewFoundation #TheLuckyFew